home / An error occured.

We have encountered an Error

Newsposting with id: 156 couldn't be found


found 210 debug messages

0.000046 - GLOBAL::include              -> config.php
0.000185 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.dotDatabase.php
0.000221 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.000235 - dotDatabase::__construct     -> connection: database
0.000253 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.page.php
0.000277 - page::getInstance            -> do
0.000297 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.dotSession.php
0.000316 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.000328 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.user.php
0.000359 - dotSession::start            -> ---- init
0.000389 - dotSession::start            -> start php session managment
0.000610 - dotSession::start            -> finished php session management
0.000620 - dotSession::start            -> save user and host information to new session_array
0.000631 - dotSession::start            -> check for security options
0.023638 - dotSession::start            -> lookup ip2country
0.023796 - dotDatabase::connect         -> dotlan.dev@
0.042347 - dotDatabase::select          -> database: development_dotlan_livedata
0.050745 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT `code` FROM `country_ip2code` WHERE 316309860 BETWEEN ip_from AND ip_to
0.062380 - dotSession::start            -> update current session online user infos
0.062458 - dotDatabase::query           -> UPDATE session SET lastactivity = 1714436350, userid = 0, site = 'https://dev.switzerlan.ch/news/?id=156', host = '', dns = 'ec2-18-218-129-100.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', countrycode = '', hits = hits + 1 WHERE hash = '2jb09f3rtl2b9lu2u3hi20ikl1'
0.067310 - dotSession::start            -> no session found in db == insert new db sesssion
0.067395 - dotDatabase::query           -> INSERT INTO `session`SET hash = '2jb09f3rtl2b9lu2u3hi20ikl1', lastactivity = 1714436350, userid = 0, site = 'https://dev.switzerlan.ch/news/?id=156', referer = 'https://eevent.ch/news/?id=156', useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)', host = '', dns = 'ec2-18-218-129-100.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com', countrycode = '', hits = 1
0.073476 - dotSession::load_locales     -> do
0.073597 - dotSession::load_locales     -> chosing language for locales: en_US.UTF-8
0.073612 - dotSession::start            -> ---- finished with session startup
0.073654 - dotSession::load_user        -> id: 0
0.073665 - user::get_user               -> id: >0<
0.073691 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.073743 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.styles.php
0.073782 - styles::load                 -> name: ><
0.073808 - styles::load                 -> include: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/html/templates/2023_switzerlan/styles/2023_switzerlan.php
0.074043 - styles::activate             -> style = 2023_switzerlan
0.074158 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.admin.php
0.074181 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.074187 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.074195 - admin::__construct           -> user_id=0
0.074201 - user::load_settings          -> load current user settings to $global
0.074212 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.prvmsg.php
0.074262 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.event.php
0.074285 - EVENT::comming_event         -> return
0.074298 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) > 1714436350 AND active=1 ORDER by begin ASC
0.079271 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) < 1714436350 AND active=1 ORDER by begin DESC LIMIT 1
0.083993 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.sitzplan.php
0.084075 - GLOBAL::end global.php       -> ---------------------------------------------
0.084102 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.news.php
0.084141 - NEWS::show_comments          -> id >156<
0.084148 - NEWS::get_post               -> id >156<
0.084157 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT news_post.id, section_id, news_post.active, encode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS date_unix, news_post.headline, news_post.short, news_post.content, user_id, generator_id, user.nick, user.vorname, user.nachname, user.countrycode, comments, intern, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, edituser, news_section.template FROM news_post LEFT JOIN user ON user.id=news_post.user_id LEFT JOIN news_section ON news_post.section_id=news_section.id WHERE news_post.id='156' AND active=1 AND dateline
0.089321 - NEWS::get_news_post          -> id >156< + comments
0.089374 - NEWS::get_post               -> id >156<
0.089391 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT news_post.id, section_id, news_post.active, encode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS date_unix, news_post.headline, news_post.short, news_post.content, user_id, generator_id, user.nick, user.vorname, user.nachname, user.countrycode, comments, intern, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, edituser, news_section.template FROM news_post LEFT JOIN user ON user.id=news_post.user_id LEFT JOIN news_section ON news_post.section_id=news_section.id WHERE news_post.id='156' AND active=1 AND dateline
0.094242 - page::getInstance            -> do
0.094364 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.html.php
0.094453 - HTML::template               -> template: >error<
0.094727 - GLOBAL::end userspace        -> ---------------------------------------------
0.094753 - PAGE::render                 -> start rendering page layout
0.094766 - USER::check_for_new_messages -> return
0.094792 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.095130 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=left
0.095165 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.cbox.php
0.095215 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_main
0.095233 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >menu<
0.095257 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095358 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095376 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095402 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095427 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095440 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095452 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095464 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.095538 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.095567 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.095616 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_party
0.095626 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >party<
0.095639 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095653 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095665 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095676 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095687 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095698 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095709 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095720 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095731 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095742 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095754 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095765 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095776 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.095887 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.095909 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.095934 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_login
0.095942 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >login<
0.095953 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095968 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.095979 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.096004 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.096019 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.096036 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- ignore: left::menu_user
0.096041 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::search
0.096114 - CBOX::template               -> generate Box with >box_suchen< as template
0.096120 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_suchen<
0.096305 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.096348 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.096376 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::banner
0.096402 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.cache.php
0.096437 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >sponsoren_3::cbox_2023_switzerlan.en_US< not found
0.096449 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren_groups WHERE id=3
0.100885 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id=3 AND active=1 AND ( restricted=0 OR ( restricted=1 AND begin < NOW() AND end > NOW())) ORDER by display_order ASC
0.105927 - HTML::encode                 -> Die EEvent ist eine der grössten LAN-Parties in der Schweiz...
0.106006 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT `code`, `smily` FROM html_smilies ORDER by LENGTH(code) DESC
0.111176 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT codetag, codereplacement, twoparams FROM html_code
0.115646 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.115816 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_banner_bit<
0.116041 - HTML::encode                 -> www.egames.ch...
0.116147 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.116194 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 2
0.116219 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_banner_bit<
0.116235 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_banner<
0.116314 - CACHE::set                   -> cache: >sponsoren_3::cbox_2023_switzerlan.en_US< with ttl:3600
0.116461 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.116506 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.116553 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=right
0.116565 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::news
0.116581 - CBOX::news                   -> generate Box
0.116593 - NEWS::load_news              -> load news data
0.116615 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >news::stats_switzerlan2023< not found
0.116642 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM news_section WHERE urlshort IN ('switzerlan2023') ORDER by urlshort ASC
0.120978 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM news_post WHERE active = 1 AND dateline <= NOW() ORDER by dateline ASC
0.125732 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(news_post.dateline) FROM news_post WHERE active = 1 AND dateline > NOW() ORDER by dateline ASC LIMIT 1
0.130367 - CACHE::set                   -> cache: >news::stats_switzerlan2023< with ttl:3600
0.130568 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >news::news_switzerlan2023_limit5_page0< not found
0.130578 - NEWS::load_news              -> ... from database
0.130596 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT news_post.id AS id, news_post.headline, news_post.content, news_post.short, news_post.user_id, news_post.encode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(news_post.dateline) AS date_unix, news_post.comments, news_post.section_id, news_section.name AS section_name, news_section.short AS section_short, news_section.urlshort AS section_url, news_section.template, user.nick, user.vorname, user.nachname, user.countrycode FROM news_post LEFT JOIN news_section ON news_post.section_id = news_section.id LEFT JOIN user ON user.id = news_post.user_id WHERE news_post.active = 1 AND news_post.dateline <= NOW() ORDER by news_post.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,5
0.139432 - HTML::encodeCms              -> 
0.139500 - HTML::encode                 -> We can sense your longing for the next SwitzerLAN – and we...
0.139574 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.139620 - HTML::encodeCms              -> 
0.139659 - HTML::encode                 -> Voller Vorfreude verkünden wir, dass Feldschlösschen unser...
0.139784 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.139813 - HTML::encodeCms              -> 
0.139854 - HTML::encode                 -> Aufgepasst, EEventler*in, wir haben etwas aufregendes geplan...
0.139968 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.139996 - HTML::encodeCms              -> 
0.140095 - HTML::encode                 -> Ursprünglich hatten wir den EEvent #15 fürs Jahr 2020 gepl...
0.140170 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.140193 - HTML::encodeCms              -> We’re slowly recovering from this epic, much needed...
0.140259 - HTML::encode                 -> We’re slowly recovering from this epic, much needed weeken...
0.140325 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.140351 - CACHE::set                   -> cache: >news::news_switzerlan2023_limit5_page0< with ttl:3600
0.140560 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news_bit<
0.140775 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news_bit<
0.140805 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news_bit<
0.140824 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news_bit<
0.140842 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news_bit<
0.140857 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_news<
0.140964 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.140996 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.141266 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::party
0.141302 - CBOX::party                  -> generate Box
0.141331 - EVENT::short_event           -> id >25<
0.141341 - EVENT::getevent              -> id >25<
0.141359 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT events.id, active, invite, password, events.name, anzahl, preis, konto, kontocheck, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(kontocheck) AS kontocheck_unix, event_location.name AS location, event_location.zip AS plz, event_location.city AS ort, event_location.street AS strasse, event_location.countrycode, location_id, map_template, allow_signoff, voraussetzung, minalter, turnier, netzwerk, weiteres, banner, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(begin) AS begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) AS end, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupbegin) AS sgbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupend) AS sgend, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreservebegin) AS seatbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreserveend) AS seatend, seatimage, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(canceled) AS canceled, archiv_gallery, archiv_media FROM events LEFT JOIN event_location ON event_location.id=location_id WHERE events.id=25 AND active=1
0.146484 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >event_25::stats< not found
0.146529 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT count(*) FROM event_teilnehmer WHERE event_id='25' AND bezahlt>=0
0.151168 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT count(*) FROM event_teilnehmer WHERE event_id='25' AND bezahlt>0
0.155803 - CACHE::set                   -> cache: >event_25::stats< with ttl:3600
0.156039 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_event<
0.156242 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.156278 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.156310 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::forum
0.156326 - CBOX::forum                  -> generate forum box
0.156334 - CBOX::forum_load_threads     -> load data
0.156353 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >forum::topthreads< not found
0.156366 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT t.title, t.lastposter, t.fv_id, t.threadid, t.lastposttime AS stamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(t.lastposttime) AS lastposttime, m.forumid AS forumid, m.title AS forumtitle, m.private AS private, m.priv_access AS priv_access, t.replies, t.ext, SUBSTRING(pagetext, 1, 190) AS preview FROM forum_thread AS t LEFT JOIN forum_main AS m ON t.forumid=m.forumid LEFT JOIN forum_post AS p ON t.threadid=p.threadid AND t.lastposttime=p.dateline WHERE t.invisible=0 AND m.show_latest=1 AND t.show_latest=1 ORDER by t.lastposttime DESC LIMIT 20
0.167256 - CACHE::set                   -> cache: >forum::topthreads< with ttl:3600
0.167540 - CBOX::forum_threads          -> list all threads in array
0.167573 - FORUM::thread_lastvisit      -> threadid: array ( 0 => 302, 1 => 301, 2 => 300, 3 => 299, 4 => 297, 5 => 298, 6 => 296, 7 => 295, 8 => 293, 9 => 294, 10 => 282, 11 => 287, 12 => 292, 13 => 290, 14 => 291, 15 => 289, 16 => 288, 17 => 283, 18 => 286, 19 => 285, )
0.167610 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.167710 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.167876 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.167908 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.167940 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.167966 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.167990 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.168027 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum<
0.168127 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.168159 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.168190 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::vote
0.168206 - CBOX::vote                   -> generate Box
0.168217 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT v_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(v_ende) AS v_ende FROM vote_main WHERE v_start < NOW() AND v_ende > NOW() AND v_active=1 AND v_top=1 ORDER by v_start DESC
0.172813 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_vote_nocurrent<
0.173262 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.173319 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.173377 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::buddylist
0.173399 - CBOX::buddylist              -> generate Box
0.173433 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_buddylist_msg<
0.173504 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_buddylist<
0.173566 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.173582 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.173609 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::online
0.173622 - CBOX::online                 -> generate Box
0.173634 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_online<
0.173721 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.173739 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.173771 - PAGE::render                 -> final
0.173780 - PAGE::renderTemplate         -> page
0.173788 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.173806 - PAGE::getHead                -> return
0.173810 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.173961 - HTML::template               -> template: >page<
0.174434 - PAGE::render_template        -> final

PHP Includes   : 18
DB Queries     : 20
Rendering Time : 0.175120

Includes PHP Files: 
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/news/index.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/global.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.dotCommon.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/config.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.dotDatabase.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.page.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.dotSession.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.user.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.styles.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/html/templates/2023_switzerlan/styles/2023_switzerlan.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.admin.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.prvmsg.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.event.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.sitzplan.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.news.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.html.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.cbox.php
 - /var/www/html/swilan-dev/2023/www/includes/class.cache.php